办公室实现DU 歧视和骚扰政策. This includes providing supportive measures 和 investigating claims of 歧视 和 骚扰 based on race, color, 国家的起源, 祖先, 年龄, 宗教, 信条, 残疾, 性, 性取向, 性别认同, 性别表达, 婚姻状况, 怀孕, 遗传信息, 退伍军人身份和服兵役. 这包括反犹太主义和反穆斯林偏见的说法.
EOIX also facilitates compliance with 第九条 of the Education Amendments of 1972; the Americans with Disabilities Act; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Title VI 和 VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967; the 同工同酬 Act; the Colorado 同工同酬 for Equal Work Act; the Colorado Protecting Opportunities 和 Workers' Rights ("POWR") Act; 和 any other federal, 状态, 以及当地法律, 规定, 或是禁止歧视的法令, 骚扰, 和/或报复.
While the office works to maintain privacy, EOIX is not a confidential resource. 报告 to the University may lead to an investigation that may result in University action, up to 和 including termination of an employee or expulsion of a student found responsible for a policy violation. 想要秘密地报告问题的个人,例如.g.,获取有关资源和的信息 正式报告选项, can contact confidential resources including: counselors in the Health 和 咨询中心 (for students), 大学的监察员, 员工援助计划(针对员工), 或其他DU指定的机密资源.
符合 正规赌博十大平台排行的报告政策, Gr和 River will provide information shared about specific instances of bias, 歧视, 和/或骚扰,以便EOIX对报告进行评估, 联系相关人员,提供支持措施和, 在适当的地方, 提供解决方案选项. However, no personally identifiable information will be released publicly.
Members of the DU community who have concerns for their safety due to incidents of antisemitism or other bias, 骚扰, 或者歧视 请求EOIX协助 or 杜克大学校园安全部门.
把这次审查的范围缩小到反犹太主义, we are better able to find potential sources or causes of 歧视 or 骚扰 for this cohort of the DU community. This review is a continuation of the steps we are taking to raise awareness in the DU community about the history 和 deep harm of antisemitism 和 to further cement our denouncement of antisemitism 和 all hateful acts. 除了这篇综述, 杜马正在采取措施消除一切形式的偏见和偏见, 包括反穆斯林偏见, 通过教育规划和其他措施.
我想和大河分享我的经历. 我可以联系谁??
请发邮件到 InquiryDU@gr和riversolutions.com 分享你的经历.
Participation in any of Gr和 River’s information-gathering activities is voluntary 和 can be accomplished through the email address above. Participants may email with their DU email accounts or anonymously if they wish. Because we strive for every DU community member to feel welcomed 和 respected, we encour年龄 participation – especially by those with potential information about possible incidents of antisemitism. Our goal is to obtain an accurate picture of how antisemitism may be affecting DU’s campus climate.
杜克大学预计格兰德·里弗的工作将在春季学期完成. We will have more information about the dissemination of results at that time.
Gr和 River完成审查后会发生什么?
回顾之后, the associate vice chancellor for EOIX will work with DU's senior leadership to consider 和 begin implementing any recommendations or outcomes that result from the review. This process will include a holistic consideration to address appropriate actions on a campus-wide 和/or more targeted basis.
What experience does Gr和 River have in conducting this type of review?
Gr和 River has extensive experience conducting investigations 和 assessing climate 和 culture at institutions of higher education. 他们的方法是高度协作的,每个机构都是独一无二的.
Their diverse team consists of interdisciplinary experts with direct experience as campus administrators 和 leaders. Gr和 River Solutions' founders 和 practitioners come from backgrounds in education, 法律, 人力资源, 技术, 非营利性服务.